Supporting world-class research & projects

Here at Charlies Foundation for Research, we’re at the heart of a diverse community dedicated to advancing medical research at Perth’s Sir Charles Gairdner and Osborne Park hospitals.
As the primary fundraising body for medical research at Sir Charles Gairdner and Osborne Park Hospitals, we bring together researchers, staff, patients, donors, sponsors and partners, providing $1 million in funding in 2023/2024 to support pioneering, world-class research & projects here in Perth.
We support projects, big and small, that have a positive impact on the welfare of our patients.

Seed funding that grows

The research we support is called translational or patient-centred research, which means we fund projects and clinical trials with the most potential to improve care and outcomes for patients.
What’s more, we make a point of supporting new research and young researchers, enabling highly promising projects – projects that might otherwise struggle to find funding – to gather the preliminary data and momentum they need to secure significant grants from peak bodies.

Getting better, together

Our ‘seed funding’ strategy and vision has spawned remarkable advances in medical care that have made a huge difference for patients, both locally and globally.
And we couldn’t do it without the help of our local community of donors and supporters.


Confirmation Content

Our promise to you

We simply wouldn’t exist without people like you. You are so important to us and we want to make sure you are completely happy and satisfied with Charlies Foundation for Research. As a charity, we need to ask for donations; it’s a necessity which allows us to deliver our important work and support improve patient and healthcare outcomes for Western Australians.
However, we recognise that this is a partnership and that we also need to listen to you; our donors, to ask for your support in the right way and recognise that everyone is different.
We will treat you with respect, ensuring that anyone who asks for or takes a donation on behalf of the Foundation shows the greatest respect for all our supporters and the general public.
We will spend the money you entrust to us wisely. We will inform you how your money is being spent by being honest and open about our research and projects and providing you with regular updates such as newsletters.
We will not waste money on unnecessary communications or activities. If we contact you or send information it will be because we believe it will enable us to continue or expand the important work we support and be of interest to the majority of people who receive it.
We will provide regular opportunities for you tell us if you want us to change the way we communicate with you and we will make this process as easy as possible. If you tell us you do not wish to be contacted, we will act on your wishes.
We will be respectful of your privacy and your rights by not passing on your details to any other organisation.
We will be accountable as we are proud to hold the Registered Charity Tick from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission – the independent national regulator of charities established by the Australian Government. This tick identifies charities like us that are transparent, accountable and meet the ACNC’s governance standards and reporting requirements. We are also Organisational Members of the Fundraising Institute Australia and have undertaken and committed to the FIA Code.
If at any point, we realise that we have broken any aspect of this promise, we will let you know and take affirmative action to avoid future breaches.
We will answer any of your questions and try to resolve any of your concerns. We can be contacted by email at info@charliesfoundation.org.au or by phone on 6457 2042.
This promise will evolve and develop as we work alongside and listen to you, our donors.

Confirmation Content