Give the most special gift to people like Norman.

Help fund research that could keep families together.

Norman and Deanie have been at each other’s side for 50 years. After first meeting on a flight in 1970, their happy marriage is blessed with three children and seven grandchildren.

But when Norman started having severe problems with his kidneys, all the joy disappeared from his life – to be replaced with pain and despair.

“It was horrible,” says Norman. “My whole body itched, day and night. The itching stopped when I went onto dialysis. But that left me so tired and weak. I felt like I couldn’t go on.”

The only solution was a kidney transplant, so Norman joined the waiting list at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. Incredibly, the perfect match was right there alongside him – Deanie.

“Of course I stepped up,” says Deanie. “You want a companion who stands by you, no matter what. I couldn’t go around with two kidneys, if I had to live that life on my own.”

The surgery was a success – a testament to recent medical advances made through research. You can help fund research that could keep families like Norman’s together.

Fully recovered from his transplant, Norman is looking forward to spending this holiday season with his grandchildren – baking biscuits together and making beautiful memories.  

It’s all thanks to the very special gift that Deanie gave him – her kidney. But for many patients with chronic kidney disease, even this special gift isn’t enough.

After a transplant, their bodies go on to reject the kidney or they get another serious illness, like heart disease or cancer. Tragically, they say goodbye to their families far too soon.

Donating a kidney is such a special gift. We can’t let it be in vain. That’s why Charlies Foundation is committed to supporting lifesaving research into kidney transplants.

To enable researchers like Dr Wai Lim to continue their crucial work, we need to raise funds by 24 December. And we’re counting on your help this Christmas.

Donate today and you could help make it possible for people to have long, happy and healthy lives after their transplant – which is a very special gift to YOU to give too.