In memory of Kirsten Collins

In memory of Kirsten Collins

Kirsten Collins, a loving wife, sister, and daughter, was admitted three separate times to Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) Intensive Care Unit (ICU) between December 2016 and February 2019 for different medical crises – two with her relying on total life support. During this terrifying period in her life, it was the support of the SCGH doctors, nurses and staff that helped Kirsten and her family comprehend her ICU journey and new life when she was discharged. When Kirsten sadly passed away in August 2019, her devastated family were determined to create a legacy dedicated to Kirsten’s memory.

“We have nothing but the highest admiration and praise for the incredible work done by the Charlies ICU team in what were extremely difficult circumstances” said Tony, Kirsten’s husband.

The result of this selfless gift from the Collins family was the creation of a website called My Life after ICU, which launched late 2022. The website provides resources for patients and their families who have survived being critically unwell and treated in Intensive Care and has sections for children, adults, and their families. Until the launch of the website, there hasn’t been a resource like this for patients and survivors face a number of physical and mental challenges, including symptoms such as fatigue, flashbacks and memory changes. It’s a fantastic resource in this space and is already making a difference across Australia and New Zealand.

“We hope the information provided on this website is of help to many other families.”

To learn more about the My Life After ICU website visit:

For information on leaving a gift in memory of a loved one or a gift in your Will, contact our CEO Vicki Rasmussen for a confidential chat on 6457 2042.